Sunday, April 30, 2023
Welcome to Spring friends, thank you for stopping by my Self-care Sundays B.R.E.A.T.H.S. blog where I share a variety of self-care strategies that bring me joy. The first week, I shared some Spring-time self-care strategies. The second week, Sunday fell on Easter, so I shared some Family fun. The third week, I was a bit down in the dumps and wrote about ways I can pick myself back up. Last week, I celebrated Earth Day and shared some of my most enjoyable outdoor activities from three of my favorite states. Today is the last day of April, and this final day/week I am getting ready to make late Spring and Summer plans.

Warmer Weather Plans
Here in Oregon this past weekend, we hit really high Summer-like weather conditions, and people were not exactly prepared. After all, we have had our share of April showers in the Pacific Northwest. With that “brief taste of Summer,” we are definitely ready for those May Flowers and what we can plan for warmer self care activities on the river.

Self-care Sundays on the River
For me, Sundays have always been a day of rest, recuperation, preparation, and self-care. Essentially, those things can be done any day/time of the week. I just like to keep a routine with self-care to make sure I create healthy habits with self-love. This weekend, I spent time at the river, enjoying the warm sand, cool breeze, shade of the trees, and people watching. The water was way too cold for me to play in, I much prefer the beach activities. Here’s some activities I saw that would be good for warmer self-care days on the river:
Water Activities
Dancing (in the water, on a boat, and jet ski)
Jet Skiing
Jumping in waves
Paddle boarding
Beach Activities
Chatting with family/friends/strangers
Dancing on the beach
Playing beach corn hole
Walking the dog (most dogs were jumping and splashing in the waves)
Conclusion on Warmer Self-care Days
Water and beach activities are my go-to activities for the warmer weather days no matter the season or location. I enjoy participating in all the activities I witnessed this weekend and I am excited to start planning for Summer self-care activities I can enjoy with friends and family while at a beach somewhere (lake, river, ocean, island). What kinds of activities do you like to plan for the warmer days or self-care? Please leave your comment below.
Thank you for reading,
Dr. Jaime Brainerd, E.d.D.