Self Healing Journey: First Lessons in Love

Saturday, October 1, 2022


Welcome back to Dr. Brainerd’s B.R.E.A.T.H.S. blog! This month of the Ultimate Blog Challenge (UBC), I am back for another round and have once more upgraded my website/blog. Take a peek at my NEW Subscribe to Love email opt-in found at the bottom of my website. Please feel free to add your name and email, then I will send you a special welcome gift with my Top 10 Most Referenced Books printed on my Monet Rainy Water Lilies


Health Saturdays

In 2018, I had some major shifts in my life that revolved around my mental, physical, and emotional health. I talked with all my doctors (primary care physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, rheumatologist, and gynecologist) about getting off all prescriptions and how to begin my self healing journey by choosing my teachers (authors), and internalizing their words into my own life lessons. Over the next five weeks on Saturdays, I will share the highlights of how I learned from many authors how to heal several diseases I was not born with, but developed later in life.


First Year of Self Healing

This first Saturday of October, I will discuss what it took for me to get off meds so that I could feel pain, and start listening to what it was trying to tell me. At my darkest depths dealing with anxiety, depression, and chronic pain/fatigue, I was seeking out books, videos, and meditation apps to help me learn how to heal my body. For the first year, I read, listened, watched, and practiced with the intention to heal myself from the inside out. 


Self Healing Resources


Authors w/Many Helpful Books

Movies or Specials by Authors



Empower You


Dr. Brene Brown

Dr. Wayne Dyer

Louise Hay

Rhonda Byrne

Famous TED Talks, HBO specials

PBS Movies and “The Shift”

“You Can Heal Your Life”

“The Secret” series (2006/2020)

The books helped me to identify my pain as metaphysical causations from years of negative thought patterns, and use positive affirmations to make them go away. I learned breathing and meditation practices with the help of a couple apps. The movies and video specials shared stories of how people who suffer the most are the ones who are able to find peace, love, and joy. I was inspired to do the same, and with the help of my medical doctors, family, and friends, I was able to make the incredible self healing  journey with several valuable resources, most of which I will share throughout this month (see table above for the resources that got me started). 


First Lesson to Self Healing is LOVE

Self awareness is the key to healing. Healing is finding out who we really are. We are Love. 

Everything I researched about healing comes back to those three sentences. First, I made a Google Document of all my dis-eases. Next, I used the book, “Heal Your Body,” by Louise Hay (1982), to find and write down the metaphysical causes. Finally, I would work on one disease at a time stating the positive affirmation associated with the cause, from lack of love, back to love. 


Self Awareness Lesson

Now that I had this list, I was able to see a pattern in my causes that were mostly associated with anger, fear, and lack of joy. I put this information in a table to be more self-aware which lack of love had the most dread on me, and it was obviously fear. This first year of self-healing, I chose to work on my anger since the pains were more intense compared to the other two. My doctors did not have to cut out my inflamed carbuncle (family of boils under my right arm), I lowered the inflammation all over my body to reduce pain and swelling in my joints, I gracefully stopped seeing my mental health professionals, and I did not need to go to a dental specialist for my gums to stop bleeding

Who We Really Are Lesson

My self awareness lesson opened my eyes to what ALL of my pains or dis-eases were really just associated with three main issues that were based on one problem, the absence of love. So, I started with one disease at a time, and repeated the positive affirmation associated with the metaphysical causation every time I had a negative thought or pain about it. I started to notice all the affirmations were worded very similarly with love, joy, and safety. That is when I realized we are all made up of those things, but tend to lose track of them over time. 


We Are Love Lesson

We are all born perfect in the form of love. We are connected to that source of love from the moment of conception to the last moment we breathe. When we start to lose that connection, our mind develops clogs in our healthy, loving thought process, and dis-eases start to appear. In my experience, when we tap into that source of love, we can heal anything. The affirmations helped me to believe that as each of my diseases began to disappear (with the exception of my genetic disability I was born with, hEDS). 


Breaths Lesson

Breath is the most important lesson, as it is the first thing we start with, and the last thing we end with. In the past, when I had panic attacks, I would practice breathing techniques I learned through some meditation apps. They also helped me to slow down my anxious thoughts and watch them dissolve without meaning. One of my favorite breaths lessons is that when you pray, you are talking to Spirit, and when you meditate, Spirit is talking to you. So you see why breaths are so special to me, and this is the main reason behind the name of my B.R.E.A.T.H.S. blog. 


What are your favorite self healing references? Please leave a comment below!


To be continued on October 8th…


Hay, L. (1982). Heal your body. Louise Hay, Inc.

About the Author

Dr. Brainerd

Hello, I am Dr. Jaime Brainerd Ed.D., a lifelong learner, beauty consultant, author, financial specialist, artist, traveler, health enthusiast, and self care advocate. Please follow my website for my B.R.E.A.T.H.S. blogs.

8 thoughts on “Self Healing Journey: First Lessons in Love

  1. Hi Dr. Jaime –

    I own a copy of Wayne Dwyer’s movie, The Shift. I highly recommend it as a means of gaining greater clarity about your life’s purpose. It is one of my all-time favorite inspirational movies.

    The Shift is a movie about making a movie–Wayne Dyer’s information on moving from ambition to meaning–intertwined with three stories of lives we can relate to.

    If you are searching for greater clarity about your own life’s purpose, I highly recommend The Shift. It is one of my favorite movies and has helped me immensely on my own journey.

  2. What a helpful blog Jaime! From both your blog and Paul’s recomendation I need to check out The Shift. It sounds like something that would help my granddaughter also.

  3. Wow! What a powerful story. I have also followed a metaphysical path for the past 30 years or so. So glad you found what works for you to heal yourself. How did you get your doctors to be open to this?

    1. Hello Patricia, thank you for reading and commenting! Great question about my doctors. First, I talked with my psychologist about my plans of getting off medications, they were very supportive and said that is hopefully the goal of all medical practitioners. Next, my psychiatrist agreed and was happy for me to cut ties for that reason. After my first year, my family practitioner noticed my positive physical changes, attracted a new client to his practice with the same genetic disorder as me expanding our knowledge, and applauded my progress in personal health management. I am proud of myself for being accountable for my self healing process, keeping a good relationship with my doctors, finding my own answers that work best for me, and now sharing my story in hopes that it will inspire others to do the same.

      Sending lots of love,

  4. Some of my self love apps and all are of course dog and person related…so I have to add FitBark and FitBit apps that keep us moving about, and then Beachbody app because a form of self love to care for your body and keep it healthy and active. And keeping my dogs moving is a form of self love because without my dogs, I don’t know what I would do! There is no me! NOT to get all Jerry McGuire but My Dogs Complete ME!

    1. Greetings Pamela, thank you for sharing the love! Agreed, dogs are amazing and very good at helping us to heal! I used to use Beachbody with a friend until I found out my full body disability (hEDS) requires limited ADA specialized exercise trainings, which is something I will be blogging about for those that have limited or too much range of motion. A Fitbit or smartwatch would be a great addition. In the past, have used my iphone heart app and My Fitness Pal to track exercise and diet. Sending lots of love to you and your dogs!

  5. Thank you for sharing this inspiring story!

    I am a believer in the power of this spiritual tools to heal.

    “The Power of NOW” is one of my favorite books on this subject.

  6. After reading your post, a kind of satisfaction comes. Nutshell is we need to focus on our breathing which leads towards self satisfaction, self-care and self-healing. I like that line too when we pray we talk to spirit and when we meditate spirit talk to us.

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