Summer Skin w/ Beauty Society: Golden Child Sunless Tanning

Monday, July 17, 2023

Welcome back gorgeous to my Beauty Mondays B.R.E.A.T.H.S.  blog where I discuss different Beauty Society products and tools. For the month of July, I will be sharing some Summer beauty tips! The first week of July, I shared how to get that beach hair look. The second week, I gave some tips on how to get your feet and toes ready for sandals. Last week, I shared how to keep hydrated from the inside out with Beauty Society Infuse HA. This fourth week, I am introducing how to get that Summer glow with Beauty Society’s Golden Child Sunless Tanning Drops.

Summer Skin with Golden Child Sunless Tanning

Ready for some Summer skin? Beauty Society has the answer with Golden Child Sunless Tanning Drops. Based on the glow you are going for, you mix the self-tanning drops with your favorite moisturizer

Conclusion on Golden Child Self Tanning Drops

Beauty Society has had these drops for a few years and I have not tried them yet until this Summer. After being cooped up inside due to Covid restrictions, I didn’t have any desire to spruce up my Summer skin. Now, I am looking forward to also using it when I go on my trip to Hawaii in December to help hide my bright white winter skin. 

Monday July 24, 2023 Daily Motivation Draw 

I set up a small outdoor altar by the backyard swing on a small round glass and metal table with some fresh-picked raspberries and blueberries. I lit the candle, lit the Palo Santo stick, and started reading the invocation of Spirit from The Sacred Medicine Oracle Guidebook. I centered myself, took three deep breaths, shuffled the deck three times, cut it in half, and drew the card asking:

  • Daily Draw Question: “What medicine is being invited into my life so that I may thrive?”

  • The card I drew: 29 – Birch Tree – Humility (Frost, 2023)

  • Message integration: The Birch Tree appears when you are being called to reach for the stars with your tall crown and roots still firm in the ground (Frost, 2023). We are asked to see where we are playing small, because it is time to reach tall, walk with grace, and be bold (Frost, 2023). The medicine of the Birch Tree is embracing you, breathing life force into your lungs, and awakening your heart with humility that will allow you to shine bright. 

  • Healing affirmation: “I am a significant part of creation upon this planet. I choose to take up my rightful space here.” (Frost, 2023).

  • Personal insight: This morning, I was talking with my niece about some healing I need to do with speaking my truth and how I know I have been playing small. When I pulled this card, it said exactly that! Whew, these medicine cards sure seem to be spot on lately. On a side note, I had a little laugh when I talked about my bright white skin in this post and the card I drew reflected the Birch Tree that also has bright white skin. I am truly grateful to know I am on my illuminated path with lots of love, light, and support. 


Frost, A. (2023). The sacred medicine oracle card deck & guidebook. Hay House, Inc.


Thank you for reading,

Dr. Jaime Brainerd, Ed.D.

*Disclaimer: I am a Beauty Society advisor, when you click on the links provided you will be directed back to my Beauty Society website where I do make a profit off the retail amount, however, there will be no extra charges to you. If you are interested in purchasing the products at a discount, you can sign up as an Society+ Member or Beauty Advisor to save an extra 15-25% off everything, and 50% off our product of the month.

About the Author

Dr. Brainerd

Hello, I am Dr. Jaime Brainerd Ed.D., a lifelong learner, beauty consultant, author, financial specialist, artist, traveler, health enthusiast, and self care advocate. Please follow my website for my B.R.E.A.T.H.S. blogs.

5 thoughts on “Summer Skin w/ Beauty Society: Golden Child Sunless Tanning

  1. Do they offer any UV protection when you are actually out in the sun or only provide color for the paskin that hides in the shade. Do they provide a moisturizer or should moisturizers and UV protection also be used with this product?

    1. Great questions, Doug! No, the sunless tanning drops do not provide UV protection. However, you can mix the drops with your moisturizer of choice to help even out the sun damage giving your skin a golden tone. When you do go out in the sun, you can then apply a sunscreen of your choice to protect your new golden glow! On my first Self-care Sunday blog this month, I reviewed ways to care for your skin, which include different types of moisturizers and sunscreen protection. Sending lots of love.

  2. I’m not particularly eager to use man-made products for much of anything, the sun tans my skin for FREE. And since I know how not to overdo the sun and keep hydrated – and do the same for my dogs. I feel I am not in need of any help in this area. However, it is good to know products are out on the market. Thank You for sharing the information!

  3. Great product display and descriptions! I like that you added links to the products, if you would like me to show you how to be able to click the link and still keep your blog open, just let me know!

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